The Sci-fi Fantasy Reader's Review

My Comments on Science Fiction / Fantasy Books and other related media.

Monday, October 8, 2012

True Blood, Season 5

What the hell is Alan Ball thinking? To catch you up, the vampires have revolted against mainstreaming because of their new religion. Religion again, didn't we have gone through this a few seasons ago with the Fellowship of the Sun. Does Ball have a thing about religion, where is he going with this?
Bill, who was a staunch supporter of mainstreaming had doubts and has embraced this religion based on Lilith. He has killed all his competition in the Authority to be the sole apostle of Lilith and drank all her blood from the sacred vessel so the cliff hanger is Bill turning into a deity.
Where will this lead to next season? Will next season be the war among the vampires and how does Bill being a deity end? So many questions! This season was nothing like the books at all! It wasn't as interesting as the other seasons either. The storyline has changed directions from the books of Charlaine Harris, I wonder how she feels about this season's twist?
How do you all feel about this season of True Blood? Please leave me a comment.

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