The Sci-fi Fantasy Reader's Review

My Comments on Science Fiction / Fantasy Books and other related media.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The end of the True Blood Season 3

It is over and I'm having withdrawal symptoms. Can you believe Sooki has dumped Bill? Will she be with Eric or do you think that's never going to happen? In the book, Sookie does end up with him but she does have a fling with a were-tiger. Quinn, a character that doesn't last but could be interesting in the HBO series. Sookie is with him in two or is it three books. Eric though is a presence in every book.
Bill still loves Sookie and is always there for her. But I must say he is more interesting in the show than in the books. The writers for the show will keep his presence known with the marriage between the actors.
In the next book, witches put a hex on Eric and he looses his memory. Sookie, of course, helps him through the transition but in the book she kills Alcide's ex, Debbie, in the end. This season has seen Debbie but she'll be back. She's a good character to hate.
The whole thing with Sam irritates me to no end. His character in the tv show has changed with the introduction of his family. We find out through flashbacks that he was a theft and has killed before. In the books, Sam is a reliable were who is a stable character throughout the books. Where are they going with Sam?

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